A person bought two watches for Rs.480. He sold one at loss of 15% and the
other at a gain of 19% and he found that each watch was sold at the same price.
Find the cost price of the watch sold at a loss of 15%. [एक व्यक्ति ने 480
रु में दो घड़ियाँ खरीदीं. एक को उसने 15% हानि पर बेचा और दूसरे को 19% लाभ पर
बेचा. उसने पाया कि प्रत्येक घडी समान मूल्य पर बेचीं गयी. बताइए कि उस घडी का
क्रयमूल्य क्या है, जिसे 15% लाभ पर बेचा गया?] [Ans. (c) Rs. 280]
Rs.250 (b) Rs.160 (c) Rs. 280 (d) Rs.300 (e) None of these
Explanation: Let the cost prices (CP) of two watches sold, one at a loss
of 15% and the other at a gain of 19% are respectively “x” and “y”. The selling
prices of the two watches are respectively 85% of x and 119% of y. Given that
they are equal.
85% of x = 119% of y
x:y = 119:85 = 7:5
x: y = 7: 5
Sum (x+y) = 12 ≡ Rs. 480
Cost price of the watch
sold at a loss of 15% = x = 7 ≡? = Rs. 280 Ans.
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