Question: What will the compound interest be on Rs. 10000 at the rate of 4%
per annum in 2 years, if the interest is compounded half-yearly? [4% प्रति वर्ष
ब्याज की दर से 10000 रुपये का 2 वर्षों में चक्रवृधि ब्याज कितना होगा, यदि ब्याज
अर्धवार्षिक संयोजित होता हो?] [Ans. (b) Rs. 824.32]
(a) Rs.
636.80 (b) Rs. 824.32 (c) Rs. 912.86 (d) Rs. 828.82 (e)
none of these
Detailed Explanation: Here, the principal is Rs. 10000.
Time is 2 years, but interest is compounded half yearly; so no. of compounding
period is 4(there are four “half years” in 2 years). Rate is given 4% par
annum, the rate is 2% per compounding period.
The SI for each year is 2% of Rs. 10000 = Rs. 200 for each
Again, the differences between CI and SI is to be
The difference for the first year is always zero.
Difference for the second year is 2% of Rs. 200 = Rs. 4
Difference for the third year is 2% of Rs. 400 + 2% of
Rs. 4 =Rs. 8 + Rs. 0.08
Difference for the fourth year is 2% of Rs.600 + 2% of
Rs. 12.08 = Rs. 12 + Rs. 0.24
So, the total differences is Rs. 24.32
And, CI = Rs. 800 + Rs. 24.32 = Rs. 824.32 Ans.
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