Question: A and B enter into
partnership investing Rs.12000 & Rs 16000 respectively. After 8 months, C
also joins the business with a capital of Rs.15000. The share of C in a profit
of Rs 45600 after 2 yrs will be:[A तथा B ने क्रमशः 12000 रु तथा 16000 रु के
निवेश के साथ एक साझेदारी शुरु की. 8 महीने के बाद 15000 रु के साथ C भी उस
साझेदारी में शामिल हो गया. दो वर्षों के बाद हुए कुल 45600 रु के मुनाफे में C का
हिस्सा बताएं.] [Ans. (c) Rs.
(a) Rs.19200 (b) Rs.14400 (c) Rs. 12000 (d) Rs. 21200 (e)
None of these
Explanation: If time periods are equal, then the ratio of profits are in the
ratio of capitals. But, if time periods are different, then the ratio of
profits are equal to the ratio of the product of the corresponding capitals and
the time periods. In other words, it can be written as P1 : P2
: P3 = C1×T1 : C2×T2 : C3×T3
A and B remained in the business for two years. C joins the business after 8
months and remained till the end of the business, so C’s period is 24-8 = 16
Therefore, C1 : C2 : C3 =
12×24 : 16×24 : 15×16 = 6 : 8 : 5
Given that (Total
profit) 19 ≡ Rs. 45600
or, 1 ≡ Rs. 2400
So, (C’s share in profit) 5 ≡? =Rs. 12000
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