Question: The average weight of 8
persons increases by 1.5 Kg., if a person weighing 65 Kg. is replaced by a new
person, what could be the weight of the new person? [8 लोगों का औसत वजन 1.5 किलोग्राम बढ़ जाता है, यदि
उनमें से एक व्यक्ति, जो 65 किलोग्राम का है, उसकी जगह पर एक नया व्यक्ति आ जाता
है. बताइए कि नए व्यक्ति का वजन क्या है? [Ans. (b) 77 kg]
(a) 76 Kg (b) 77 Kg (c) 76.5 Kg (d)
Data Inadequate (e) None of these
Detailed explanation:
Concept: Definition
Average: “Average of any set of items is the ‘value’, which is obtained by dividing all the items among them - equally.” In other words, “If
all the items of a set is distributed equally among them, then what each will
get – that each value is the ‘average’.”
Solution: Given that the average weight of 8 persons increases by
1.5 kg. It means weight of each persons increase by 1.5 kg. So, the total
increase in weight is 1.5× 8 kg = 12 kg. The new person should have weight, 12
kg more than the person having weight of 65 kg, and who is to be replaced.
Therefore, the weight of new person = (65 + 12) kg = 77 kg Ans.
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